Sunday 11 September 2016



                 A Leader must inevitably have a clear vision of what he wants to achieve, even though an entrepreneur doesn't know how to accomplish his goals but he surely knows what his dreams are, because that is what keeps him awake even in the middle of the night. That dream is his source of inspiration and motivation. This vivid mental movie gives life to his intuition and gifts him with a sense of direction. Even in the middle of troubles and tribulations only he can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This clarity of thought makes him reliable and a leader to be followed.


              A leader must have empathy to understand his emotions and the emotions of others. He must not only have IQ but also should have an EQ to win the hearts of his people. A leader builds his trust by the decisions he takes and the actions he performs. He truly believes that the well being of his people is his highest purpose. yet he doesn't differentiate among his people, as his love and affection encompasses them all as a whole.


            The communication patterns of human species have evolved into such a sophisticated level that our human bodies constantly emit & receive subtle signals of  each other very accurately.The instinctive skill of our reptilian brain of analyzing the other as friend or foe played a crucial role in the survival of homo sapiens when they were living as hunter gatherers in African savannas. And now amidst in this concrete jungle and corporate animals a genuine smile and a fake smile are instantly caught and subconsciously acted upon. Only a leader when truly wants to serve his people can give away a genuine warm smile at all times. Only that person is subconsciously accepted as a leader by all others. Even a formally authorized person cannot stand in the way of this truly charismatic leader. 


                          Have you ever ordered a kid to do something? i hope your answer is yes. But what was his reaction ?definitely not a good one, because we humans are hardwired to be free and live life on our own terms. So, how do we make others work for us with complete involvement & dedication? That's easy just convey them about the importance of their involvement and the significance of their contribution in a much polite and gentle way. Trust me this is how you get things done by others, there is no other effective replacement. Only a true leader who doesn't assume any power over others but only wants to guide them for their own prosperity and for the greater good understands this principle intuitively.


                       There is already a great deal of teachings on the importance of body language and the ways to master it. But this might not really work at all times, because as i have already told that the sophistication of human communications would constantly reveal whats exactly is going on our minds. Trying to replicate an ideal body language would instantly reveal it as an imitation. But a charismatic leader is a person who thinks, feels, says and does the same thing. There is a striking integrity in his personality. This aspect of him is radiated as a very confident body language to all his followers. They would follow his every move and just cant help it. If a leader has embraced all the above traits, his charisma itself drags people towards him and appoints him as a leader and all others as his followers. So, that is the reason people often say leaders are born. It is just their natural charisma in action.

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